Thursday, August 2, 2012

Toys: Darth Tater - Together we shall rule as Father and Spud!

Okay, this is quite possibly one of the quirkiest items my partner and I have collected.

It's from Hasbro's Playskool brand, and it's a Star Wars tie-in: DARTH TATER. It's basically a Mr. Potato Head with a set of Darth Vader parts.

It's so cute - and to be honest, what I find most amusing is that it's wearing black sneakers, haha!

*If you look at the item in the Playskool shop link, you'll notice that it's particualrly different from mine - I guess it's a different run for here in Asia? I also had different packaging, aside from a different sculpt of the Darth Vader parts and having no cape.

**EDIT/UPDATE: I've apparently lost the cape, somehow. BOO. Must make new, snazzier cape.

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